Welcome to this week’s Six Sentence Sunday where I choose
six sentences from one of my books. This weekend (since it’s available FREE on
Amazon today and because today is also my birthday) I’m offering a little snippet from my debut contemporary romance The Apple Tree, which was the the Grand Prize Winner of Inspired Romance Novels' 2011 Writing Contest.

"It’s nothing," he replied dismissively and they walked the
rest of the way in silence, leaving Julie wrestling with her emotions. She wanted to shout, but it is! It is! How can I bear your kindness when I know you
have such a low opinion of me?
I hope you'll support me and download your FREE copy of The Apple Tree today. This is available from:
US: http://www.amazon.com/The-Apple-Tree-ebook/dp/B006MGDABW/ref=pd_rhf_gw_p_img_1
Check out other participating blogs here
Check out other participating blogs here
Some intriguing conflict in there. I think I'm going to enjoy getting involved in this exercise.
You manage to pack a lot of tension in six sentences. Great excerpt.
Thank you for dropping by Stevie and Coleen. As I'm brand new to this, I was feeling a little nervous about what to choose, so you've made me feel much better.
That's a very involving scene there -- nicely done!
Thank you Daezarkian - much appreciated.
Great six, Lyn! I've not read The Apple Tree yet, but having read your other two superb novels, I need to bring this to the top of my TBR pile!
Happy birthday, Lyn! Lovely peek into The Apple Tree with your six. Nice visual descriptions. I'm off to download the whole book now on my Kindle Fire and add you to my TBR pile. Wishing you much success with your debut contemporary! :)
Thank you, Paula, I do hope you'll enjoy it. I always feel nervous when a writer I like and admire so much reads one of mine...
Mae, thank you so much for your kind wishes and comment. I sincerely hope The Apple Tree will do justice to your Kindle Fire. Thanks for dropping by.
Fantastic six, adding this to my tbr list!
I'm going to look on my iPad for The Apple Tree!! This reads nice.
Thank you Maryellen and Carrie.
Howdy! I can notice that you deeply get the sense of what you are speaking about. Do you an education which is associated with the theme of your blog post? Can't wait to see your answer.
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