I feel rather ashamed that it took me as long as it did to
discover my featured author this week.
Ashamed not just because she's a fellow Northerner writing in a similar
genre to myself, but more especially because she's such an excellent
writer. I'm very pleased, therefore, to
have read and reviewed her latest release Changing the Future and I hope
everyone who trusts my judgement will read it also.
Lisa Marshall is stunned when celebrated volcanologist Paul Hamilton comes back into her life at the college where she now teaches. Despite their acrimonious break-up several years earlier, they soon realise the magnetic attraction between them is stronger than ever. However, the past is still part of the present, not least when Paul discovers Lisa has a young son. They can’t change that past, but will it take a volcanic eruption to help them change the future?

College lecturer, Lisa Marshall, has brought up her young
son, Nicky as a single parent, having parted from his father before his birth.
In fact, the father, the rather gorgeous Paul Hamilton, expert volcanologist
(nothing at all to do with Star Trek!) turned TV celebrity knows nothing about
his son. This naturally causes big problems for Lisa when he turns up at her
college to take over some geosciences classes as a favour for a mutual friend.
It soon becomes evident that the two still harbour powerful
feelings for each other but neither can get past their painfully acrimonious
separation of five years previously. This becomes `the elephant in the room' between
them as they find themselves constantly thrown into each other's company.
Despite all their avowals to avoid each other, their romance is rekindled and
the depth of their feelings for each other is unmistakable. But
misunderstandings abound and past grievances once again rear their heads and their second break-up looks destined to be their last. It seems only some
earth-shattering event can bring these two to where they rightfully belong -
with each other. I'm not going to say any more because I'd hate to ruin the
pleasure for other readers and I always try to avoid spoilers.
Having read of this writer's love of England's beautiful Lake
District, I rather expected more of a sense of location in this novel. However the
splendour of New York and the grandeur of Iceland more than compensated for
this and I was totally entranced by both.
This may have been the first novel I've read from this author but it
certainly won't be the last! Changing the Future is a deeply satisfying story
and one I would highly recommend to all lovers of romance. Very definitely worthy of my top cute cats award.
About the author:

She lives near Manchester in North-West England, and has two
daughters and two grandsons. Apart from writing, she enjoys visiting new places
and has travelled extensively in Britain, mainland Europe, the Middle East,
America and Canada. Her favourite places are the English Lake District and Ireland.
She’s also interested in musical theatre and tracing her family history.
You can find out more about this excellent author from the links below:
Website: http://paulamartinromances@webs.com
Group Blog (with 3 other writers): http://heroineswithhearts.blogspot.com
Link for US readers: http://amzn.com/B0082VIXNU
Lovely post, Lyn. I couldn't agree more about the quality of Paula's writing. She is also a delightful and supportive friend. So nice to see her work acknowledged like this. Love Jenny xx
Excellent post. I totally acknowledge everything Jenny is saying about Paula, too! I'm so impressed with your stamina, Paula, and how you keep up with everything marketing, blogging and writing new work! 5 of those cute cats are briliant!
Terrific post. I am in awe of Paula's energy. It is no easy task to keep up wih all the marketing and promo AS WELL as writing fantastic books.
I've read some of Paula's other books, and agree heartily--she is an excellent writer!
Fabulous review on Paula. She is a great writer.
Great to meet you, Paula! 'Changing the Future' sounds like a great read.
I wish you much success,
Congrats on a great review, Paula!
Thank you, Lyn, for such a great review, and thank you all for your lovely comments. Must confess I am blushing now at your praise :-)
A lovely review for a lovely lady...
Changing the Future sounds like a great read - I shall look forward to getting stuck in x
Many thanks, Suzie :-)
Apologies to all for not being here earlier to thank you for dropping by. I agree with all your praise of Paula and would love to know her secrets too. Shall we twist her arm and make her tell us how she does it?
Thank you, of course, to Paula for coming in and holding the fort in my absence. I hope you found the coffee pot.
To anyone who hasn't read 'Changing the Future' - it's a must read.
Well deserved review. Looking forward to the future books.
Many thanks, Margaret :-)
Thanks so much for hosting me, Lyn. Quite honestly, I don't think I do enough marketing but I don't want to get on people's nerves!
I do enjoy blogging, though, and also try to visit blogs where my friends are being interviewed or featured. That's what friends are for, isn't it? :-)
I stepped over from twitter to take a peek. A volcanologist - sounds cool. Off for a look inside. Good review :)
Thanks, Jade :-)
Paula, it's been a pleasure. Hi Margaret and Jade, thanks so much for taking the trouble to drop by and comment. Jade, do read the 'look inside' for 'Changing the Future' - you'll be hooked - that's a promise.
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