My Wednesday's
Writer guest this week is the extremely talented Tessa Stockton and I feel very
privileged that she agreed to come on my blog and talk about herself. She's a fascinating person, as I discovered
when I interviewed her and, to help get to know her better, I thought I'd share
a few details with you before going on to look at her latest powerful story Wind's Aria.
Q: Tessa, what
inspired you to write your first novel and did you always know your genre would
be romance?

Q: I must say, The Unforgivable sounds extremely
dramatic. I see you describe yourself as
a novelist of romance and intrigue - does this reflect what you like to read
yourself and do you have specific views on what should and shouldn't be
included in romance novels?
A: I chose the
description of romance and intrigue because it’s comprehensive, covering a
variety of subgenres. It does, indeed, reflect what I like to read as well as
write. You see, I linger in anything from fantasy and paranormal to political
intrigue and suspense/thriller. Anything goes. As far as specific views on what
should and shouldn’t be included in romance novels, that’s the thing…I don’t
care to be boxed in, so I don’t really have specific views. I want to be able
to write what I write with a sense of freedom and creative flow—and I think
other writers should, too, you know, do what’s right for them. It’s relative.
Some of my work might be light and lyrical, other work dark and, hopefully,
thought provoking.
Q: I couldn't
agree more. Has any part of yourself crept into the heroines of any of your
A: In my first
unpublished manuscript, yes, I think so. That’s probably why it’s not published—ha!
But not so much thereafter. Except, I tend to have a cynical sense of humor and
that comes out in my heroine’s mind/voice in my suspense/thriller, The Unspeakable. Also, I happen to like
green beans—which she does. In Wind’s
Aria, the heroine has a love of music, as well as horses. In that, we share
a likeness. Honestly, I do attempt to create characters that I myself am trying
to comprehend.
Q: Wind's Aria is a beautiful title. What is the most desirable characteristic
you've bestowed on the hero of your latest romance?
A: I like monsters
who are conflicted, tortured souls. To me, that’s desirable. That’s the hero in
Wind’s Aria. He’s a gorgeous
creature, but he’s malevolent, and feared. Yet, deep down, he wants to be
good—but it pains him, fills him with sorrow because he doesn’t know how. There
is only one who can see the potential for him to be good and that is the
heroine, Aria. He’s drawn to her because of it, not just because of the
Q: He sounds fascinating. Do you think you'll always write in the same
genre and style or do you have desires to experiment and if so, in what way?
A: I always have the desire to
experiment. I never know when an idea will hit me or where it comes from, but I
usually will act on it or file it away for later. I do foresee writing mostly
romances in the future, just in a variety of genres. My literary voices vary,
as well, from first person narrative to third. The literary world is a wide and
blank canvas for each writer. It’s an interesting and colorful place to dwell
and I wouldn’t want it any other way.
I second that. Let's now take a closer look at Wind's Aria.

Excerpt One:
“Who are you?”
He pushed further back into the shadows as she strode closer.
“Someone you need not know.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
When he didn’t answer, she sighed.
“What a strange, terrible day,” she mumbled. “Well, at least tell me
your name . . .”
He stood, speechless, knowing he shouldn’t be there at
all—conversing with a Meleyan—especially not their musical deliverer that he
was set to doom the day after tomorrow.
A peculiar grumbling interrupted her insistence, to his relief.
“Sorry.” She patted her stomach. He could see, even in the blackened
night, how her face turned a deeper shade of red than her hair. “I’ve forgotten
to eat. I guess I’m hungrier than I realized.”
He plucked an apple from the tree he’d nearly become a part of and
held it out to her. The girl approached tentatively. She reached for the fruit
but recoiled when her fingers brushed his.
“Is touching me so horrible?” he asked.
Her jaw dropped open and her delicate brow furrowed. She inclined
her head. “It . . . hurt.”
“How?” he asked, for her fingers felt good to him, soothing. Warm.
He wanted to try again.
“I don’t know how to explain . . .”
“Hum.” Unsatisfied with the answer, he tossed the apple to her and
watched as she crunched her teeth into it.
Excerpt Two:
Fog continued to dance around them covering most of his body, to her
dismay. Just curious, she convinced
herself. She closed her eyes and squeezed the bridge of her nose to concentrate
. . . something that seemed hard to do at that moment.
“Feeling better?” The smooth notes of his words swam through her
“Mmm.” She nodded. “I guess.”
He continued to stare.
Aria cleared her throat. “Um . . . can I ask you a question?”
“You may ask . . .”
“But will you answer?”
“That depends.”
“Oh. Well. How did you get to be so huge when all the Meleyans are
rather small? And why haven’t I seen you before?”
“That’s two questions.”
He exhaled a steady stream of air, adding to the mist, as if
Aria felt the strength of his breath, blowing strands of her hair
across her face.
Slow, yet with precision, he lifted a lock from the curve of her
mouth and rubbed the strands between his fingers. He murmured, “Soft and
orange, like the petals of prairie-tails.” Then he bent and smelled her hair,
closing his eyes. “And sweet like the honey of bees.” Again he held her gaze.
The corner of his mouth twitched upward. “Do you have a sting?”
“I asked you a question first—”
“Two,” he corrected. Then he smiled.
About Tessa Stockton:
Tessa is a veteran of the
performing arts and worldwide missions, having come from a long line of musical
arts professionals. She loved seeing the world and absorbing the beauty of
other cultures . . . an enriching life full of dance, music, faith, and
interesting cuisine. Over the years, she also contributed as a writer/editor for ministry publications, ghostwriter for
political content, and headed a column on the topic of forgiveness. Today,
she writes romance and intrigue novels in a variety of genres.
Follow links:
Tessa's Website
Purchase Links - Wind’s Aria:
More titles from Tessa coming soon!
Sea God’s Siren
accident left Syrena blind and only one can bring her healing. But the cost of
abiding in his, Dagon's, aquatic prison in exchange for sight proves more than
she bargained for.
Tree Lord’s

Thank you, Tessa, it's been fascinating talking to you and learning more about you and I wish you every success with Wind's Aria and your forthcoming releases.
What an extremely warm welcome, Lynette! It’s a privilege to be here today. Thank you so much for the invitation. You are an engaging hostess and I’m happy to know you. : )
A great interview and the novel sounds really interesting.
Thank you, Tessa - it's always a pleasure to have such an interesting guest and I really enjoyed talking to you and finding out a little bit more about you and your writing.
I do hope Wind's Aria achieves the success it clearly deserves.
Mary, thank you so much for stopping by. It does sound a very interesting and unusual story, doesn't it? I've put it on my tbr list.
Thank you, Mary.
Thank you, again, Lynette.
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