Unsurprisingly perhaps, houses have played a significant part in some of my stories, not least my forthcoming release which features Chichester Court, once an elegant Georgian family home but now renovated to make social housing for single mothers and their children. Chichester Court is haunted by more ghosts than one and seems desperate to yield up its secrets to anyone who will listen.
Here's what Joanna (a former resident) tells Anne - a current resident whose young son has suffered recurring nightmares since moving into Chichester Court about the house's history.
"No house is ever just bricks and mortar. It's an extension of the people it shelters and Chichester Court has sheltered a lot of damaged, angry people in the last forty or so years since the scheme began, not to mention those before the Housing Trust took over! Just think of all that negative energy, from all those discordant lines, seeping into the bricks and mortar. Now my question to you is: what do you think happens to it?" Joanna's voice had taken on that melodramatic quality of a teacher acting out an extract from a Gothic story for a class of ten year olds, making Anne smile properly for the first time that morning and then, in an expansive gesture, reaching into the biscuit tin, from which she pulled out a plain digestive.

In a lot of novels, houses and their backstories, may be some of the most important characters of all.
Although not a novel, I dearly love the film, Life as a House.
Best wishes on your upcoming book!
I love a story in which the house has a supernatural or malevolent nature, and then its history is slowly uncovered revealing the cause.
The Little House on the Prairie books were some the first to make me houses as characters.
Yes, houses do play an important role in novels at times. Good blog.
Thanks for dropping by and commenting, Caleb, Susan, DL, Margaret and Mary. I'm glad to hear lots of people have the same fascination for houses as I do.
Chichester Court in my forthcoming release is actually (loosely) based around a house I once lived in...
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