In the wake of the terrorist
attacks in London and Manchester the thrust of the election campaign has
changed. The media are beating Theresa May over the head for her lack of
foresight in cutting the numbers of police and re-examining Jeremy Corbyn’s stance
on terrorism.
These attacks have made it
clear how vital our police force is in dealing with terrorism, and the general
consensus of opinion seems to be that we should increase their numbers as soon
as possible.
What is less clear is what we
should be doing to try to prevent these attacks in the first place. More of us
are coming to believe that the policy of waging war in the Middle East is not
working and is very likely exacerbating the situation. As the extremists are
driven out of their bases they seem to be concentrating their focus on
radicalising young people and persuading them to wage these attacks on their
host countries. It is difficult if not
impossible to completely prevent these attacks, although the security forces
have done a sterling job in identifying and preventing a substantial number.
We should also see what we
can do to change the reasons for terrorism.
In the first place, let’s
re-examine our foreign policy. Since warfare isn’t working, maybe we should
withdraw. Furthermore we should surely stop the supply of arms to the Middle
East. The UK is the world’s second biggest arms dealer, and delivers its bombs
and guns to 22 of the 30 countries on our government’s
own human rights watch list. Time to stop.
These weapons are being used against our own forces.
I know that many have
expressed the view that it makes no difference to the terrorists. That they
will hate us and want to exterminate our culture whatever we do, but common
sense dictates that our policy of beating them into submission is unlikely to
endear us to them. And what is the logical conclusion. Genocide? Do we go on
bombing them until there are none left?
Hundreds of thousands of
innocents are being killed in this tragedy. Let’s stop it now.
There is one other point. We
know that warfare doesn’t work but we have very little evidence that anything
else works either. The only case I can think of is that of the IRA, which was
largely funded by America. When America was itself hit by terrorists, the
funding dried up. We tried talking to the IRA instead of shooting and
imprisoning them. The terrorism stopped.
Statistically one case is
useless, but maybe it demonstrates that this approach is at least worth a try.
Please bear this is mind when
you go to the polls on Thursday. And for God’s sake DO go to the polls. We need
every vote we can get if our people are to be safe.
About Jenny Twist
She left school at fifteen and went to work in an asbestos factory. After working in various jobs, including bacon-packer and escapologist’s assistant (she was The Lovely Tanya), she returned to full-time education and did a BA in history, at Manchester and post-graduate studies at Oxford.
She stayed in Oxford working as a recruitment consultant for many years and it was there that she met and married her husband, Vic.
In 2001 they retired and moved to Southern Spain where they live with their rather eccentric dog and cat. Besides writing, she enjoys reading, knitting and attempting to do fiendishly difficult logic puzzles.
She has written three novels - Domingo’s Angel – a love story set in Franco’s Spain and harking back to the Spanish Civil War and beyond - and All in the Mind – a contemporary novel about an old woman who mysteriously begins to get younger and The Owl Goddess.
She has contributed short stories to many other anthologies, of which two – Doppelganger and Uncle Vernon have been released as short ebooks.
Other works include the Mantequero series: novellas about a Spanish mythological figure, and An Open Letter to Stephen King & Other Essays, a compilation of non-fiction essays and articles. Her latest novella, The Minstrel Boy, was published in the anthology Letters from Europe in 2016.
Another refreshingly sane and direct post. Thank you, Jenny, and thank you, Lynette.
And thank you, Mary. You have made my day,
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