As a result of Kindle Unlimited, authors can be paid for people reading their books. Like all well-intentioned systems, it took very little time for people to figure out how to game the system. Someone looking to do so starts by creating a fake book. It could be plagiarised, a convincing copy, or entirely randomly generated garbage. They then list the book, for a price, as Amazon does very little (i.e. basically nothing) to verify that this is a legitimate book. They do nothing to promote the book, so it will not sell. Instead, they list it in Kindle Unlimited. They can then either use a bot, or a number of minimally compensated people, to 'read' the book on Kindle Unlimited. As a result, the "author" gets paid, and can even use this to launder money from stolen bank accounts or cards. So far you're probably wondering how this involves you. You may also be surprised that these bots (or so called clickfarms, in the case of humans) exist at all.

To do this, bots would now also download free books, and read those as well as reading the fake one. Now your legitimate free book becomes an accessory for these bots, and you get nothing back - nobody's bothered to teach literary criticism to the bots yet. Worse still, you run the risk of Amazon thinking you're involved in this shady practice as well, and having them shut you down or pull your content. If they do, you'll be in for a lengthy and possibly futile argument with them.
I hope this has helped demystify the big difference in ratio between downloads and engagement of your content. Feel free to leave a comment on your experiences, or ask any questions you may have.
(This post was written by guest blogger Alexander Sofras, a professional in the field of software development with many years of industry experience).
Wow, I had no idea! I have not done a free download in a while, but still, I'm horrified by this.
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