It's always a great pleasure to hand over my blog to the wonderful Jenny Twist and today she contributes to my debate on self- vs traditional publishing. This article is taken from her excellent collection of essays: 'An Open Letter to Stephen King and Other Essays'
In the modern world of e books and print on demand it is all too easy to imagine that conventional publishing will lose its raison d’être. It is now possible to produce your own book for nothing. Obviously this is a great boon for authors, especially the vast majority who were unable to get accepted by a publisher. But is it really such a boon? What do publishers actually do for their authors?
Having accepted an author’s work, it is the publisher’s job to put it into publishable form, i.e. make sure it is properly edited and provided with good cover art
Few, if any, authors are competent to proof their own work. No matter how good you are at proof-reading it’s very difficult to spot your own mistakes. You see what you expect to see, what you know to be there. You knew what you meant when you wrote that sentence, so may not realise that it doesn’t make sense to somebody else.
The independent author wishing to produce work of a professional standard has to, therefore, employ a professional proof-reader. One way round the cost is for authors to proof each other’s work. This is in any case often the way small press publishers handle editing, using their own authors rather than employing a professional.
Cover art is something else again. There are, of course, authors who are perfectly competent to do their own artwork. Perhaps more than you think. Creative people are often creative in more than one field. And there are packages available, free, for applying lettering to your original artwork. So it can theoretically be done at no cost. But my own experience has been that a professional cover artist is indispensable.
I came across this when one publisher I approached would not accept submissions without cover art. I literally spent weeks trying to find the definitive picture of an angel for my book. I wanted a carved wooden angel – the kind of statue so beloved in village churches in Spain. I couldn’t find a single picture that conveyed what I wanted. Eventually, I did my own drawing based on a stone carving. And I still hadn’t a clue how to do the lettering! Luckily I was rescued from this task by having my manuscript accepted by another publisher. But the experience made me realise that I, for one, was definitely not up to the job.
One of the things that you might think publishers do for their authors is promote their work. Wrong. The publisher’s job is to produce a product fit for the marketplace and make it available to the public and booksellers. It is not part of their brief to do promotion campaigns. Even the big publishing houses do very little of this. In fact, they are unlikely to do anything at all unless you are already a celebrity. It’s one of those Catch 22 situations. The chances are the only thing they will do is produce a monthly newsletter. So there is very little advantage for the author in using the conventional route as far as promotion is concerned. You have to do your own anyway.

There is actually no way round this. Even if you spend vast amounts of money on advertising, you probably still have to do a fair bit of promotion work. You could be the best writer that ever lived but no-one will buy your books if they’ve never heard of you.
There is, however, one major advantage conventional publishing offers the author. It confers respectability. A conventionally-published author has been vetted, accepted and polished by a professional organisation. Many new self-published authors have great difficulty being taken seriously. Some review sites actually refuse to review independent authors.
the distribution through booksellers. Booksellers are usually quite happy to deal with publishers since they take the books on a sale or return basis and have nothing to lose. In order to offer the same deal the independent author has to buy vast numbers of copies of his own book and negotiate individually with booksellers. The financial risk is enormous, not to mention the time spent approaching each outlet.
But what has this change in the business done for the reader? Well, for a start e books are much cheaper than printed books and there are literally thousands offered free every day as authors vie to get the attention of readers. Great, isn’t it?
Well, yes, it is, but we now have the problem of what to choose. Thousands of them! Where do you start?
I have gone from downloading anything that looked vaguely readable, to restricting downloads, even free downloads, to books by authors I know to be good, or people I have been wanting to read because I have come to know them on the social networks.
I have become jaded with free e books because so many of them are really badly-written. Sorry, but I’m afraid it’s true. Most independent authors produce badly-edited, if not unedited work. Many, if not most, have only a passing acquaintance with good grammar. And, I’m sorry to say this, but the vast majority have no talent for writing. I have read some truly awful books in the last few years.
For every great writer who never made it out of the slush pile in the publisher’s office there are hundreds who should never have been in print in the first place. Whatever you may think of conventional publishing, it at least operates as a filter preventing the really bad authors getting through.
Sooner or later the rush to get free books will die down and readers will begin to be more discerning. They will be prepared to pay for a book, provided they are confident they will be buying something of good quality. And this, surely, is where conventional publishing will come into its own.
If there is one area where conventional publishing can really justify its existence, it is in the provision of high quality books. I’m not talking about literature here. I’m talking about good, readable stories with well-constructed plots and believable characters, written in good, grammatically correct English.
Sadly too many publishers, especially in the small press, do not do this job very well. I am surprised at how many bad writers are being accepted and at how poorly their work is edited. In my opinion the only way the small press will survive is to maintain a rigorous standard of excellence, and that means no cutting corners. It means employing professional editors, rather than using their own authors to edit each other, a practice which only exacerbates the problem of taking on semi-literate authors in the first place. And maybe it means doing a bit more for their authors than just publishing their work, like providing proper marketing services.
Those publishers who do this will attract the best writers and will gain a reputation of excellence. And maybe conventional publishing will survive.
Hi Lyn. So nice to visit your site again. Thank you for putting up with me. Love Jenny xxxx
Very well said, Mrs. Twist :)
Jenny, always my pleasure. Tara, will be in touch very soon. Thanks for popping in.
Good article and very informative
Thank you, N.W. It's very kind of you to say so. Love Jenny
Great article. Sad, but true. Self-publishing gets a bad rap from writers who don't spend the time or money on book cover art or editing. I think eventually, bigger publishers and literary agents won't be an author's first choice when they can DIY nowadays.
Hi Sherry. I couldn't agree more. I don't go to conventional publishers at all now.
Nice to meet you. ´
Well put. And as time goes on and the number of (bad) books available grows even further, more readers will stick with reputable publishers for their reading material. I'm not the only reader who, having discovered early on that what Jenny says is true, refuses to read anything not published by a mainstream publisher or their imprints or something approved by the Awesome Indies. (I do give indies a chance but I want them vetted before I spend my time on them) It's just not worth the risk otherwise. That said, I have to say that a lot of the books on the Awesome Indies are more interesting than anything the mainstream is putting out.
Actually I included 91 Indie books for my non-fiction title 'Crime Fiction and the Indie Contribution', and they ranged between good and excellent. During my reading spree I only found 4 books so badly written I did not include them. There is a lot of good Indie fiction around, and with Amazon's 'Look Inside' feature the risk of getting a bad book is less. However, I agree that a lot of the free books need to be avoided.
Hi Tahlia. I must confess I'm getting very selfish about what I'm prepared to read these days. I won't even accept free books for review unless I'm very confident I'm going to enjoy them. I hate giving a bad review. I'd rather just read it without the author knowing and then review if I like it. But of course there are some brilliant indie authors out there and not all conventionally published ones are great. I expect we could all name a few. I would just like to see more sites that vet books and give honest reviews. I take your point that indie authors may often be rather more interesting because they can take risks that publishers refuse to take
Hi Chris. I also take advantage of the ‘Look Inside’ feature on Amazon. I think you can nearly always tell within a page or two whether a writer is readable or not. My problem is where to start finding good books in the first place. There are so many. Whilst in the obligatory reviewer phase all authors seem to have to go through, I discovered pretty quickly how to avoid the worst ones. In fact, my major beef with Amazon is the lack of any rating system. I am not a fan of explicit sex and violence and am horrified when a book which does not describe itself as erotica suddenly thrusts a sex scene upon me. Why on earth don’t they have a G-X rating like films do? That is not something you can pick up from the 'Look Inside' sample. But that's a different issue. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment. Much appreciated.
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